Tankz screenshot 1

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Hell freezes over, Tankz receives "kill list"

So I've been playing Diablo 3 lately. Well, I suppose I should say I've been trying to play Diablo 3. Every time they patch, it screws up and I have to reinstall the entire game. None of the online solutions help, nothing works(of course). Unfortunately this latest time, even reinstalling doesn't work because now it won't even let me reinstall. Nice. So yeah, Blizzard... hell... heh heh.. yeah. Sorry.

I'l be installing a new OS in the near future so hopefully that fixes it but in the meantime, the whole mess has given me a chance to work on Tankz. I've added a nifty little 'Kill list' in the top left, just like you'd expect in an FPS game. "Bob killed Jim!" and so on. Not a huge addition, but it's a small touch that when combined with many other small touches, make a big difference.

More updates as they develop.